How Christ Learned Obedience
by Henry Morris, Ph.D. | Feb. 21, 2009
"Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered." (Hebrews 5:8)

This verse is a very difficult verse. The Lord Jesus Christ was the very Creator and Sustainer of the universe, the omniscient God, perfect wisdom and complete truth. How could it be that one who knows all things would have to learn anything? Even more particularly, how would He have to learn obedience? He was always obedient to His heavenly Father. "I do always those things that please him," Christ said (John 8:29). He surely did not have to be chastised like a disobedient child in order to learn obedience, as the verse seems on the surface to be telling us.

He was indeed a Son, and He was never disobedient, but He had to become obedient through actual experience. He "became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross" (Philippians 2:8). The "things which he suffered," as the innocent Lamb of God, are beyond all human understanding, and His willingness to obey His Father even in this ("nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done" -- Luke 22:42) demonstrates the ultimate obedience.

There are many things which one can learn

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