Genesis 19 - Testimony

"And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law." (Gen 19:14 KJV)

Lot did not have a good testimony. We see that he called the men of the city "brethren" (v. 7), and then he offered his own daughters to be abused of the men of the city! Then we see him begging with his sons-in-law, (two married daughters), and was "as one that mocked" unto them. (v.14) A good testimony is very important, you never know when you'll need it! His testimony could have saved others from destruction. You never really know the influence you may have on your family and friends, and the difference you can make in their lives. They may never show it, but they are watching you! Lot had lost his "fear of the Lord" and along with it, his testimony. The angels had to actually drag him out of town by the arm to get him to leave! (9:16) Notice that they could do nothing while he was there (v.22), and that the Lord is gracious and merciful unto His own.

I must mention an amazing verse, one that stops Unitarians dead in their tracks; that verse is 19:24, where we see Jehovah calling down fire from Jehovah in Heaven! We see God in two places at once! One God, in two places? Amazing. One must realize too that one of these angels had to be Christ, as mentioned previously, why only two entered the city after three appeared unto Abraham is not known, but it appears that Christ stayed to bring judgment and deliverance both at once! Mercy and judgment! What an amazing God we have.

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