Cultivating a Godly Family

by Dr. Paul Chappell

“Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.”

Colossians 3:18–21

Are you living the way you would want your child to live?

Cultivating a godly family is one of the most important jobs you have as a Christian parent. God has entrusted you with raising the next generation to love and serve Him. Think about this list of ways to cultivate a godly relationship with your children:

1. Memorize the twenty-third Psalm as a family.
2. Pray for your spouse and children every day.
3. Read a chapter from the Bible with your family each day.
4. Eat dinner together as a family at least twice a week.
5. Sit together as a family in church.
6. Take each of your children out to breakfast (individually).
7. Take time during the week to read a Bible story to your children and then discuss it with them.
8. Do some stargazing away from the city with your family. Help your children identify constellations and conclude the evening with prayer to the God who created the heavens.
9. As a family, write a thank-you note to your pastor, thanking him for being your pastor.
10. Do a Bible study on the "wise man" and the "fool” in Proverbs with your family. Teach your children how to become a “wise man”.
11. Write missionaries regularly.
12. Read the biography of a missionary.
13. Give regularly and faithfully to the church and teach your children about faith-promise giving.
14. Go to a shut-in's house as a family and completely clean it and get the lawn work done.
15. Take time to discuss what each member of the family learned in church and Sunday school on Sunday.

The key to cultivating a godly home is placing Christ at the head of the home. As your children see Christ as the head and observe you following Him, they will learn what it means to be a godly Christian.

With today’s fast pace of living, it can be difficult to take time to nurture your children’s heart for God. If you’re like me, when I get home from a long day at work, many times I want nothing more than to relax for a few moments. But being a parent means going the extra mile and taking time to be with your children and help them grow to be more like Christ.

How are you cultivating godliness in your child’s life? Do they see you following after Christ? You cannot point your child to follow God if you are not following Him yourself. Make sure you are obeying God today. Are you living in the way you would want your children to live? Also, take time to nurture your child’s heart this week. Pick two or three activities from the list above to share with your family. Place cultivating a godly family as one of your top priorities this week.

To find out more about Pastor Paul Chappell visit his blog or follow him on twitter.

Daily Bible Reading
Numbers 29-31 • Mark 9:1-29

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