Steps of Growth

2 Corinthians 8:17
“For indeed he accepted the exhortation; but being more forward, of his own accord he went unto you.”

God expects growth out of every Christian. In fact, the Scriptures command us in 2 Peter 3:18, “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” Growth is one of the elements that is required of a Christian.

When the Apostle Paul talked about Titus in the verse above, he talked about the two steps that Titus took in order to grow as a Christian. These two steps are vital for every Christian if they want to “grow in grace.” Though God does not say how fast we are to grow, He does expect growth in every Christian.

In order for a Christian to grow we learn that he must accept exhortation. In other words, a Christian who wants to grow must accept the teaching that comes their way. You will never grow when you constantly refuse the teaching of God's Word. This teaching comes through preaching, personal Bible study, Sunday school teachers and spiritual leaders in the church.

One of the problems I see in many Christians is an unteachable spirit. When a person can no longer be taught, then a person will no longer grow. It does not matter how long you have been saved, or what your position is in the church, you can always be taught something. When you get to the point when nobody can teach you, then you have stopped your growth. A person with a teachable spirit is a person who has great potential to grow. A person who can no longer be taught anything is a person who will no longer grow.

The second step to growth is that the teaching must be applied. Not only did Titus accept exhortation, but he also went forward on his own. In other words, he accepted teaching and personally applied it to his life. He did not wait for someone to tell him to do what he was taught; he had the initiative to apply it himself.

If you have a teachable spirit I am thrilled about this, but you will never grow until you take the initiative on your own to apply teaching. All the teaching in the world does no one a bit of good if they don't apply it.

Your goal as a Christian should be to grow on a regular basis. In order to grow you must be teachable. Be careful not to get to the point in your Christian life when you think you know everything. Take the teaching you get and apply it without someone having to push you. Teaching applied will always produce growth.

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