“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (v. 6)

This verse has a story behind it: It is said that as D. L. Moody was boarding a train while rushing to his next speaking engagement, a man asked him how he might receive Christ as his Savior. Mr. Moody, being very much hurried, did not have the time to disembark the train and talk to the fellow, so he told the young man to Look up Isaiah 53:6, and enter in at the first “all” and come out at the last “all”. If we will take Mr. Moody’s advice, we too will find the salvation of the Lord, freely given to all men. This verse says it all. We are as sheep, who stray by nature. They need to be led.

Our Lord saw us as sheep, scattered among the hills. He knew that we were in danger of being ravished by a lion or a bear or wolf, but he knows too that He is our strength against such peril. We need to lean upon the Lord. He was despised, and at times we are too; He was smitten, as we will be; He was rejected and so are we; but He was our healing balm. (vs. 3 - 5)

The 53rd chapter of Isaiah, though a prophetic chapter, depicts the plight of Christ and mans attitude toward Him. Because of sin, we are not drawn to righteousness, as seen in this chapter. It is no wonder that man crucified the Savior who is the epitome of right and the holiest of the holies. We, from a wicked heart, will produce wicked actions; we all have rejected Christ at sometime in our lives, either by direct will or by our evil deeds.

Note that, as we are like sheep, He takes on the form of a lamb. The lamb “mothers” the sheep, and cares for them with all her heart. (v. 7) Jesus loves us like a mother loves her siblings. He “bore” us, as a woman in labor, and, spiritually speaking, He loves us because He suffered for us, and we belong to Him. All this for the transgression of his people, (v.8). We stray away as lost, and lowly sheep, but as a mother lamb, our Lord seeks us out, and brings us back. He knows the danger we could face, and keeps us close by His side.

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